Comments on: Western vs Chinese Beauty Standards Learn Chinese with an adorable and effective method Mon, 24 Aug 2020 23:15:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sharon Mon, 24 Aug 2020 23:15:17 +0000 Hello, an Australian here. The model Lu Yan would be considered hideously ugly here, because slightly larger eyes are considered more attractive. Square and triangle shaped faces are not considered beautiful on a woman here.

By: SoraGenNext Thu, 12 Mar 2020 21:22:53 +0000 In China, whiter skin has a deep cultural root, but I do also feel western standards influence that as well. Colonialism and forced trade makes western standards prevail unfortunately. I find it interesting that Naomi Campbell has been banned from ads that are promoted in China, but they have no problem plastering white models all over the place. Cultural standards and preferences create racist societies, but no one wants to talk about that because that would be facing an ugly and uncomfortable truth. In China’s case, it’s also a classicist issue, where a poor and hardworking girl is undervalued in favor of someone rich.

I find it strange that a tanned skinned person working the fields would have little value. At least it shows they are hardworking and humble and not spoiled. Those people can survive hardships, including baring children, because they are strong. Instead, prim women who don’t work are not strong enough to maintain a family. I believe the value system is different from my own.

America’s beauty standards still have lingering racial superiority roots, but mostly it has evolved to include other beauty standards. It’s still largely classicist. The tan really took off in the 1920s when Hollywood moved to California and most of our famous celebrities lived in a warm climate. Also, tanning was a sign that wealthy could go on vacations, as I think this article was trying to express. Homes in warmer climates go for a higher price in the US because it’s beautiful weather all year round, perfect for businesses to flourish and to perfect for staying fit. The sun-kissed look is definitely preferred as a class symbol mostly. Beauty standards are all about advantage.

By: Lisa Sat, 01 Feb 2020 09:26:55 +0000 Dear,
On the “#4 Chinese beauty standards: slim body”, the actress on the left is Li Bingbing 李冰冰, not Fan Bingbing. Have a nice day.

By: Emma Skafte Wed, 29 Jan 2020 22:19:47 +0000 Does the culture and socioeconomic condition of a country affect its perception and standard of beauty?

By: Gnik YluhS Mon, 06 Jan 2020 04:39:08 +0000 Chinese Beauty Standards: White Skin….. I feel sry for this trend of beauty standard … but I guess if you find your self thinking that looking like a corpse or a person about to die is beautiful ok… I understand if people think white is beautiful but you guys try to hard and go overboard to the extreme….. in a sense when ur skin is to white that looks pale its a sing that ur not healthy and that u have a serious health problem ……. Natural beauty is the best beauty When u have to change something about your self especially the color of your skin .. you are really ungly in my eyes.

By: mcracist pullmywaisteofspace Tue, 02 Jul 2019 08:47:05 +0000 In reply to McAllister Pulswaithe.

but statistics show that the most desired race for women in the world is asian.

By: Robin Bryant Mon, 10 Jun 2019 00:32:47 +0000 Although I admire different figure types and skin tones, I gotta agree w/the Chinese beauty standards here! Maybe it has something to do w/me being a portrait artist. I like large eyes and delicate classic features.

By: Alyssa C. Tue, 28 May 2019 07:59:36 +0000 In reply to McAllister Pulswaithe.

Really? This is so racist and rude. You blame Chinese for talking out loud and being rude, do you know how rude and offensive you are with this message and Chinese are reading it? You probably don’t know you are. What’s wrong with our body? This is so stereotype, there are many different Chinese with different body shapes, and there’s nothing wrong with being short, there are short white girls as well. I know there are some Chinese traveling all over the world who are loud and rude, we who live in China thinks they are very rude as well. They are mostly of the older generation, you cannot blame the whole population for the action of a few, just like you can’t blame all the Germans in the world for the actions of Hitler and the Nazi. I have plenty of Western friends who doesn’t find Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese to be ugly. But I know they would find you ugly.

By: Andriy Sun, 24 Feb 2019 12:01:41 +0000 On the last photo is Li Bingbing, not Fan Bingbing.

By: Favour Thu, 24 Jan 2019 15:53:43 +0000 In reply to Leah Cecil.

I agree with you but nobody is ugly everyone is beautiful in their own way
