Chinese culture Vocabulary

Eating out in China – 5 tips you need to know

Eating out in China can be a bit disconcerting. New flavors and textures to discover, menus full of unknown Chinese characters and dishes… And then there’s having the right, Chinese, table manners. Get used to it though, because with mom-and-pop restaurants in China usually being extremely affordable, trust us, you’ll be eating out a lot.


We’re incubated at the Plaine Images!

This week, we wanted to share some good news with you guys: we are incubated! We’ve talked a bit about Ninchanese on the blog, created a landing page to help you wait but we haven’t told you much about what we have been doing behind closed doors. Well, now that we have some great news […]

Chinese culture

Lunar New Year celebrations across Asia

Celebrating the Chinese New Year

Advanced Beginner Chinese learning tips Intermediate

Failing is just part of the process of learning

Failing to succeed does not mean failing to progress. This is a quote from the indie video game Antichamber. And it’s so true!

Chinese culture

Dumpling party for the Chinese New Year

The Year of the Tiger is just around the corner. Starting today, with 除夕, which is the Chinese New Year’s eve,  春节( chūnjié) celebrations mark the time to say goodbye to our Ox pal and welcome in the mighty Water Tiger. Here’s to hoping we’ll have a good year! What better way to start off […]

Chinese culture Vocabulary

Chinese New Year: How to Celebrate?

When it comes to New Year celebrations in China, it’s not the 1st of January that counts. It’s the beginning of the new lunar year that matters. The Chinese New Year is also known as 春节 (chūnjié, literally Spring festival). Curious to learn more about this Chinese New Year? Here’s a crash course in celebrating […]

Chinese culture

Chopsticks: Where to put down your chopsticks

The other night, we were at a (really good!) Chinese restaurant with a Chinese friend and her Chinese colleague. Feeling a bit self-conscious as we didn’t know this colleague very well, we were really focused on our Chinese table manners. Handling our chopsticks properly particularly came to mind. During dinner, one question arose: where do […]

Chinese culture

China’s top cities in timelapse!

A motion timelapse video about Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. Isn’t it beautiful ?

Advanced Beginner Chinese learning tips Intermediate Vocabulary

Weibo to learn Chinese

Still too many people outside of China are wondering whether or not to join Weibo, China’s number one micro-blogging site. Why? Probably because they’ve heard – and I had too – a lot of (false) things about Weibo. Accusing it of being just a Twitter-copy for instance… Wrong. Weibo is a lot more than that, […]

Chinese culture

Time for Christmas wishes! But not this Chinese way

Have you prepared your Christmas wishes yet? Watch this for a tripped out Christmas in China!

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