Have you heard the expression 厉害了,我的歌! used in Chinese yet? This piece of slang to say you rock in Chinese has been gaining widespread popularity online in China and is real hot right now. Let’s explore this new popular slang expression in Mandarin!

Have you heard the expression 厉害了,我的歌! used in Chinese yet? This piece of slang to say you rock in Chinese has been gaining widespread popularity online in China and is real hot right now. Let’s explore this new popular slang expression in Mandarin!
France sees a 400% increase in Chinese learners Trente-trois mille élèves suivent un enseignement de mandarin dans cinq cent quatre-vingt-treize collèges et lycées. China is currently the world’s second economic power and could become the world’s top economic power as early as 2016 some say – the world’s two biggest company already are Chinese. This trend […]