Beginner Chinese learning tips Partners

Top 5 Ways to Get Started Learning Chinese

Learning Chinese doesn’t need to be difficult. The good news is that there are many tools and tips that you can use to speed up the learning process. In this article, we’ll explore the top 5 ways to kickstart your Mandarin journey, offering a diverse range of tools and tricks you can utilize to make […]

Advanced Beginner Books Chinese learning tips Partners

Du Chinese Review of a great graded Reader

Do you want to be able to read Chinese without learning it? Reader apps provide graded Chinese texts and tools to help you decipher a text quickly. Today we’re reviewing Du Chinese, one of the most popular Graded Chinese readers.


That’s Mandarin: Review of their NihaoCafe Live Online Classes

What are That’s Mandarin live online classes like? Should you give their NihaoCafe online platform a try? We checked them out so you could get an idea of what to expect!


LTL Mandarin’s Live Flexi Classes: A review

Recently, LTL Mandarin School launched Flexi Classes. Its alluring promise is of offering live Mandarin classes 24/7 – no matter your time zone or where you are. Now, this was something we had to check out. Are these classes really live? How does it work? Here’s our review of LTL Mandarin School’s Flexi Classes.


Go East Review: Live Mandarin Classes

After GoEast reached out to us, we at Ninchanese decided to review their services to see if their live sessions could interest you little dragons. The results are in. Let’s dive right in.

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