Today, we’re beginning a very exciting adventure: we’re unveiling Ninchanese on Kickstarter!

Today, we’re beginning a very exciting adventure: we’re unveiling Ninchanese on Kickstarter!
TGIF! We found some Friday fun for you! And it’s all in Chinese 🙂 It’s a silly little Chinese app called My Idol (小偶) that turns you into a hilarious 3D dancing cartoon… Upload your picture, let it map it out in 3D, choose what your avatar is going to look like and have fun exploring!
Feeling sleepy? This seriously huge firecracker explosion in Taiwan is bound to wake you up!
Yes is a very useful word to learn in any language. You use it to show you agree, to show your enthusiasm, to seal a deal and in many many different situations. As a Chinese learner, you were surely taught that while there is no direct equivalent to Yes in Chinese, [zh zh=”是”] is an […]
Celebrating the Chinese New Year
To prove how good you are in English, you can take the TOEIC or the TOEFL. These standardized exams are used across the world to assess the English level of non-native English speakers. Want to assess your level in Chinese? You’re in luck, the Chinese Hanban (National Office for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language) […]
Chinese is a great language to learn. It’s fun; it’s fascinating; it’s a challenge. It can also easily be forgotten. Because that’s how our memory works. It forget things. The way to prevent this? You practice. Better yet, you make it your daily routine to practice Chinese. The idea: To hit refresh on your knowledge, on […]
So, you’re thinking of learning Chinese… You may have heard learning Chinese is hard. All squiggly lines and unpronounceable sounds. You may even have heard worse things than that: Like learning Chinese is a monumental challenge. A blow to the ego. Incredibly frustrating due to the unbearable ratio of effort to effect. Don’t let that stop […]
Cat are funny and crazy little creatures. Watch this cat video that will make laugh so hard!