Nincha Travels Archives - Ninchanese Learn Chinese with an adorable and effective method Mon, 10 May 2021 12:30:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Nincha Travels Archives - Ninchanese 32 32 Chinese vocabulary for meat: All you need to know for Beef, Chicken, Pork and more! Tue, 27 Apr 2021 13:36:27 +0000 As a meat-eater, you’ll find yourself in heaven in China. There are all sorts of meats to discover and eat! And by all sorts, we really do mean all sorts, including parts you perhaps seldom eat. So, to make deciphering a Chinese menu easier, there’s a whole new stage on Ninchanese dedicated to meats!  To

The post Chinese vocabulary for meat: All you need to know for Beef, Chicken, Pork and more! appeared first on Ninchanese.

As a meat-eater, you’ll find yourself in heaven in China. There are all sorts of meats to discover and eat! And by all sorts, we really do mean all sorts, including parts you perhaps seldom eat. So, to make deciphering a Chinese menu easier, there’s a whole new stage on Ninchanese dedicated to meats!  To give you a taste, here’s a list of the essential Chinese meat vocabulary to know … and that you’ll be learning on the app. Warning: this list of Chinese words for meat may make you very hungry!

A Meat Stall in Market, with different cuts of Meat

Photo by Natalie Ng

Ready to learn how to say different cuts of meat in Chinese? So you can easily order yummy slices of meat for your next 火锅 huǒ guō hot pot? Or finally, know what kind of meat is in Chinese dumplings? Then Chinese Meat recipes will hold no secret for you!

First, let’s see how to say meat in Chinese as well as Chicken, Turkey, Pork, Lamb, Duck, Veal, and Beef in Chinese.

And no, don’t even ask, we won’t be talking about cat meat in Chinese or any other kind of strange meat (it seems like people look up rat meat in Chinese? The horror). Dog Meat is sometimes eaten in winter because it’s super caloric meat to eat, but we’ve never come across any other type, so enough with the rumors! Alright? Here we go.

Types of Meat in Chinese

Photo by Usman Yousaf


Word Pinyin Meaning
ròu meat
猪肉 zhū ròu pork
牛肉 niú ròu beef
小牛肉 xiǎo niú ròu veal
火鸡 huǒ jī turkey
鸡肉 jī ròu chicken meat
羊肉 yáng ròu lamb


Good to know: In China, you’ll often come across dish names that simply say ròu Meat. In most restaurants (the obvious exception being Halal Uyghur restaurants ), 肉 will by default be pork. That’s because, traditionally, pork is the most consumed meat (or at least was in the past).
If you’re not sure whether it’s going to be pork or not or are trying to avoid eating pork, better check with your waiter/waitress first!

You’ll also often just see chicken, duck, yáng lamb, mutton, niú Beef on their own, without the 肉 thrown in, on a menu. So you might not see duck meat in Chinese, but you’ll definitely see 鸭 and a favorite, 烤鸭 Roast Duck!

Cuts of Meat in Chinese

Yummy looking meat skewers on a coal grill

Chinese Meat Skewers Photo by Chuan


Word Pinyin Meaning
chuàn skewer
里脊 lǐ ji tenderloin; meat loin
牛排 niú pái steak
肉片 ròu piàn meat slice
肉馅 ròu xiàn meat filling
碎肉 suì ròu chopped meat
肉丝 ròu sī shredded meat (often pork)
肉末 ròu mò ground meat; minced meat


Love meat skewers? You’re going to love these other street food dishes, then, we bet!

Chicken wings in Chinese and more chicken parts

A dish of Chinese Wings with scallions, lettuce and cilantro that looks to die for

Chicken Wings are a very loved Chinese food – Photo by George Zheng.


Word Pinyin Meaning
胸肉 xiōng ròu breast meat (chicken breast)
鸡排 jī pái chicken chop; cutlet
鸡翅 jī chì chicken wing
鸡腿 jī tuǐ chicken leg; drumstick


Curious to know how to say scallion in Chinese or cilantro? Check out these Chinese food lists then!
More of a hands-on learner? Then learn directly how to say meat, scallion, and more in Chinese: the Chinese Food World on Ninchanese will teach you and much more!

A screenshot of different learning stages on Ninchanese, all centered on Chinese food

Just a few of the many things you can learn in the Chinese food course on Ninchanese

Now, let’s get back to our Chinese words for meats.

Parts of Pork in Chinese and Pig Meat-based Products

Ground pork, scaillion and rice wine being mixed together to make a dumpling filling

Pork Meat is often used in Chinese Dumplings – Photo by Alex Hu


Word Pinyin Meaning
猪排 zhū pái pork ribs; pork chop
排骨 pái gǔ pork chop; pork cutlet; spare ribs
叉烧 chā shāo char siu; barbecued pork
肉松 ròu sōng pork floss (shredded dry pork)
火腿 huǒ tuǐ ham
香肠 xiāng cháng sausage
火腿肠 huǒ tuǐ cháng ham sausage


Want to learn how to read and say all these meats in Simplified and Traditional Chinese? The Chinese Meats Vocabulary Stage in the Chinese Food World is waiting for you!

Image of the Chinese Cooking World on Ninchanese

The Chinese Cooking World is made for foodies learning Chinese!

Want also to know how to order these meats and other dishes from a restaurant? The Chinese Food World is what you need. Check it out here! 

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The post Chinese vocabulary for meat: All you need to know for Beef, Chicken, Pork and more! appeared first on Ninchanese.

Country Names in Chinese Mandarin Wed, 09 Dec 2020 11:34:45 +0000 A pretty useful sentence to know how to answer in Chinese is “where are you from?” Do you know how to say your country in Chinese? Are you curious to know all the country names in Chinese? Read more to discover what your country is called in Chinese! The Chinese language can have very meaningful

The post Country Names in Chinese Mandarin appeared first on Ninchanese.

A pretty useful sentence to know how to answer in Chinese is “where are you from?” Do you know how to say your country in Chinese? Are you curious to know all the country names in Chinese? Read more to discover what your country is called in Chinese!

The Chinese language can have very meaningful country names like 美国 (the US) which means “beautiful country” or 法国 (France) which means “Lawful country”. That sounds cool, right? But why is America called beautiful country in Chinese? And by that logic, what’s the name of your country?

How foreign countries get their name in the Chinese language

Country names in Chinese are formed usually in three ways:

  • Element of description of the country + (which means country).
    Usually it’s a characteristic of the country that’s chosen, along with, if possible, a character that is phonetically close to the country’s name.
    美国 (which is the name in Chinese for the US, with resembling the “mer” in America), 德国 (Germany’s country name in Chinese),法国 (France in Chinese) and 英国 (Great Britain’s name in Chinese) are all formed that way.
  • Phonetically:
    The other way of naming foreign countries in Chinese is by transliterating the name into Chinese, purely based on sound. As such, a lot of country names in Chinese are based on the phonetic pronunciation of countries. They try to be as close as possible to the name of the country originally, but that’s not always possible.
    Some are pretty easy to guess, however! Can you guess which countries are 澳大利亚 and 古巴?
    Meaning-wise, most country names in Chinese won’t have a literal meaning that makes a lot of sense, but sound-wise, they’ll be close!
  • Literal names:
    Lastly, a few foreign names got quite literal names. South Africa is “南非” with for the South, and from 非洲which means Africa in Chinese. Iceland is another great example. Its name is literally the “Ice island” 冰岛. Cool, no?

All the world’s country names in Chinese

Here’s the list of Chinese names of countries, organized alphabetically, with their name in Mandarin Chinese, English name, and pinyin pronunciation. Just pick out your country from the list of country names in Chinese below, read this article on how to talk about your nationality and you’ll be good to go!

List of Countries in Chinese A

English Name
Chinese Name
Afghanistan 阿富汗 ā fù hàn
Albania 阿尔巴尼亚 ā ěr bā ní yà
Algeria 阿尔及利亚 ā ér jí lì yà
Andorra 安道尔 ān dào ěr
Angola 安哥拉 ān gē lā
Antigua and Barbuda 安提瓜和巴布达 ān tí guā hé bā bù dá
Argentina 阿根廷 ā gēn tíng
Armenia 亚美尼亚 yà měi ní yà
Australia 澳大利亚 ào dà lì yà
Austria 奥地利 ào dì lì
Azerbaijan 阿塞拜疆 ā sài bài jiāng

List of Countries B

English Name
Chinese Name
Bahamas 巴哈马 bā hā mǎ
Bahrain 巴林 bā lín
Bangladesh 孟加拉国 mèng jiā lā guó
Barbados 巴巴多斯 bā bā duō sī
Belarus 白俄罗斯 bái é luó sī
Belgium 比利时 bǐ lì shí
Belize 伯利兹 bó lì zī
Benin 贝宁 bèi níng
Bhutan 不丹 bù dān
Bolivia 玻利维亚 bō lì wéi yà
Bosnia and Herzegovina 波斯尼亚 – 黑塞哥维那 bō sī ní yà – hēi sè gē wéi nà
Botswana 博茨瓦纳 bó cí wǎ nà
Brazil 巴西 bā xī
Brunei 文莱达鲁萨兰国 wén lái dá lǔ sà lán guó
Bulgaria 保加利亚 bǎo jiā lì yà
Burkina Faso 布基纳法索 bù jī nà fǎ suǒ
Burma 缅甸 miǎn diàn
Burundi 蒲隆地 pú lóng dì

List of Countries C

English Name
Chinese Name
Cambodia 柬埔寨 jiǎn pǔ zhài
Cameroon 喀麦隆 kà mài lóng
Canada 加拿大 jiā ná dà
Cape Verde 佛得角 fó dé jiǎo
The Central African Republic 中非共和国 zhōng fēi gòng hé guó
Chad 乍得 zhà dé
Chile 智利 zhì lì
China 中国 zhōng guó
Colombia 哥伦比亚 gē lún bǐ yà
Comoros 科摩罗 kē mó luó
Congo, the Democratic Republic 刚果民主共和国 gāng guǒ mín zhǔ gòng hé guó
Congo, Republic of 刚果共和国 gāng guǒ gòng hé guó
Costa Rica 哥斯达黎加 gē sī dà lí jiā
Croatia 克罗地亚 kè luó dì yà
Cuba 古巴 gǔ bā
Cyprus 塞浦路斯 sè pǔ lù sī
The Czech Republic 捷克共和国 jié kè gòng hé guó

List of Countries D

English Name
Chinese Name
Denmark 丹麦 dān mài
Djibouti 吉布提 jí bù tí
Dominica 多米尼克 duō míng ní jiā
The Dominican Republic 多米尼加共和国 duō mǐ ní jiā gòng hé guó

List of Countries in Chinese E

English Name
Chinese Name
East Timor 东帝汶 dōng dì wèn
Ecuador 厄瓜多尔 è guā duō ěr
Egypt 埃及 āi jí
El Salvador 萨尔瓦多 sà ěr wǎ duō
Equatorial Guinea 赤道几内亚 chì dào jǐ nèi yà
Eritrea 厄立特里亚 è lì tè lǐ yà
Estonia 爱沙尼亚 ài shā ní yà
Ethiopia 埃塞俄比亚 ǎi sài é bǐ yà

List of Country Names F

English Name
Chinese Name
Fiji 斐济 fěi jì
Finland 芬兰 fēn lán
France 法国 fǎ guó

List of Countries G

English Name
Chinese Name
Gabon 加蓬 jiā péng
Gambia 冈比亚 gāng bǐ yà
Georgia 格鲁吉亚 gé lǔ jí yà
Germany 德国 dé guó
Ghana 加纳 jiā nà
Greece 希腊 xī là
Grenada 格林纳达 gé lín nà dá
Guatemala 危地马拉 guā dì mǎ lā
Guinea 几内亚 jī nèi yà
Guinea-Bissau 几内亚比绍 jǐ nèi yǎ bǐ shào
Guyana 圭亚那 guī yà nà

List of Countries H

English Name
Chinese Name
Haiti 海地 hǎi dì
Honduras 洪都拉斯 hóng dū lā sī
Hungary 匈牙利 xiōng yá lì

List of Countries in Mandarin Chinese I

English Name
Chinese Name
Iceland 冰岛 bīng dǎo
India 印度 yìn dù
Indonesia 印度尼西亚 yīn dù ní xī yà
Iran 伊朗 yī lǎng
Iraq 伊拉克 yī lā kè
Ireland 爱尔兰 ài ěr lán
Israel 以色列 yǐ sè liè
Italy 意大利 yì dà lì
Ivory Coast 科特迪瓦 kē tè dí wǎ

List of Countries J

English Name
Chinese Name
Jamaica 牙买加 yá mǎi jiā
Japan 日本 rì běn
Jordan 约旦 yuē dàn

List of Countries K

English Name
Chinese Name
Kazakhstan 哈萨克斯坦 hā sà kè sī tǎn
Kenya 肯尼亚 kěn ní yà
Kiribati 基里巴斯 jí lǐ bā sī
Korea (North) 北朝鲜 běi cháo xiǎn
Korea (South) 韩国 hán guó
Kuwait 科威特 kē wēi tè
Kyrgyzstan 吉尔吉斯斯坦 jí ěr jí sī sī tǎn

List of Country Names L

English Name
Chinese Name
Laos 老挝 lǎo wō
Latvia 拉脱维亚 lā tuō wéi yà
Lebanon 黎巴嫩 lí bā nèn
Lesotho 莱索托 lái suǒ tuō
Liberia 利比里亚 lì bǐ lǐ yà
Libya 利比亚 lì bǐ yà
Liechtenstein 列支敦士登 liè zhī dūn shì dēng
Lithuania 立陶宛 lì táo wǎn
Luxembourg 卢森堡 lú sēn bǎo

List of Countries in Mandarin Chinese M

English Name
Chinese Name
Macedonia 马其顿 mǎ qí dùn
Madagascar 马达加斯加 mǎ dá jiā sī jiā
Malawi 马拉维 mǎ lā wéi
Malaysia 马来西亚 mǎ lái xī yà
Maldives 马尔代夫 mǎ ěr dài fū
Mali 马里 mǎ lǐ
Malta 马耳他 mǎ ěr tā
The Marshall Islands 马绍尔群岛 mǎ shào ěr qún dǎo
Mauritania 毛里塔尼亚 máo lǐ tǎ ní yà
Mauritius 毛里求斯 máo lǐ qiú sī
Mexico 墨西哥 mò xī gē
Micronesia 密克罗尼西亚 mì kè luó ní xī yà
Moldova 摩尔多瓦 mó ěr duō wǎ
Monaco 摩纳哥 mó nà gē
Mongolia 蒙古 měng gǔ
Montenegro 黑山 hēi shān
Morocco 摩洛哥 mó luò gē
Mozambique 莫桑比克 mò sāng bǐ kè

List of Country Names N

English Name
Chinese Name
Namibia 纳米比亚 nà mǐ bǐ yà
Nauru 瑙鲁 nào lǔ
Nepal 尼泊尔 ní bó ěr
Netherlands 荷兰 hé lán
New Zealand 新西兰 xīn xī lán
Nicaragua 尼加拉瓜 ní jiā lā guā
Niger 尼日尔 ní rì ěr
Nigeria 尼日利亚 ní rì lì yà
Norway 挪威 nuó wēi

List of Countries O

English Name
Chinese Name
Oman 阿曼 ā màn

List of Country Names in Chinese P

English Name
Chinese Name
Pakistan 巴基斯坦 bā jī sī tǎn
Palau 帕劳 pà láo
Palestine 巴勒斯坦 bā lè sī tǎn
Panama 巴拿马 xbā ná mǎ
Papua New Guinea 巴布亚新几内亚 bā bù yà xīn jǐ nèi yà
Paraguay 巴拉圭 bā lā guī
Peru 秘鲁 bì lǔ
Philippines x菲律宾 fēi lǜ bīn
Poland 波兰 bō lán
Portugal 葡萄牙 pú táo yá

List of Countries Q

English Name
Chinese Name
Qatar 卡塔尔 qiǎ tǎ ěr

List of Countries R

English Name
Chinese Name
Romania 罗马尼亚 luó mǎ ní yà
Russia 俄罗斯 é luó sī
Rwanda 卢旺达 lú wàng dá

List of Countries S

English Name
Chinese Name
Saint Kitts and Nevis 圣基茨和尼维斯 shèng jī cí hé ní wéi sī
Saint Lucia 圣卢西亚 shèng lú xī yà
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 圣文森特和格林纳丁斯 shèng wén sēn tè hé gé lín nà dīng sī
Samoa 萨摩亚 sà mó yà
San Marino 圣马力诺 shèng mǎ lì nuò
São Tomé and Príncipe 圣多美普林西比 shèng duō měi pǔ lín xī bǐ
Saudi Arabia 沙特阿拉伯 shā tè ā lā bó
Senegal 塞内加尔 sè nèi jiā ěr
Serbia 塞尔维亚 sāi ěr wéi yà
Seychelles 塞舌尔 sāi shé ěr
Sierra Leone 塞拉利昂 sāi lā lì áng
Singapore 新加坡 xīn jiā pō
Slovakia 斯洛伐克 sī luò fá kè
Slovenia 斯洛文尼亚 sī luò wén ní yà
Solomon Islands 所罗门群岛 suǒ luó mén qún dǎo
Somalia 索马里 suǒ mǎ lǐ
South Africa 南非 nán fēi
South Sudan 南蘇丹 nán sū dān
Spain 西班牙 xī bān yá
Sri Lanka 斯里兰卡 sī lǐ lán kǎ
Sudan 苏丹 sū dān
Suriname 苏里南 sū lǐ nán
Swaziland 史瓦济兰 shǐ wǎ jì lán
Sweden 瑞典 ruì diǎn
Switzerland 瑞士 ruì shì
Syria 叙利亚 xù lì yà

List of Countries T

English Name
Chinese Name
Tajikistan 塔吉克斯坦 tǎ jí kè sī tǎn
Tanzania 坦桑尼亚 tǎn sāng ní yà
Thailand 泰国 tài guó
Togo 多哥 duō gē
Tonga 東加 dōng jiā
Trinidad and Tobago 特立尼达和多巴哥 tè lì ní dá hé duō bā gē
Tunisia 突尼斯 tū ní sī
Turkey 土耳其 tǔ ěr qí
Turkmenistan 土库曼 tǔ kù màn
Tuvalu 吐瓦鲁 tǔ wǎ lǔ

List of Countries U

English Name
Chinese Name
Uganda 乌干达 wū gān dá
Ukraine 乌克兰 wū kè lán
The United Arab Emirates 阿拉伯联合酋长国 ā lā bó lián hé qiú cháng guó
The United Kingdom 英国 yīng guó
The United States 美国 měi guó
Uruguay 乌拉圭 wū lā guī
Uzbekistan 乌兹别克斯坦 wū zī bié kè sī tǎn

List of Countries V

English Name
Chinese Name
Vanuatu 瓦努阿图 wǎ nǔ ā tú
Vatican City 梵帝冈 fàn dì gāng
Venezuela 委内瑞拉 wěi nèi ruì lā
Vietnam 越南 yuè nán

List of Countries Y

English Name
Chinese Name
Yemen 也门 yě mén

List of Countries in Chinese Z

English Name
Chinese Name
Zambia 赞比亚 zàn bǐ yà
Zimbabwe 津巴布韦 jīn bā bù wéi

The post Country Names in Chinese Mandarin appeared first on Ninchanese.

Public Transportation in China, your traveling guide with useful Chinese sentences Tue, 12 Nov 2019 09:30:18 +0000 It’s pretty easy to get from one place to the next in any country, but in China transportation is a convenience of everyday life. Take a ride with me to know all about them. There are many types of convenient modes of transport in the urban areas of China. These include Bicycles, Taxies, Metros, and Public

The post Public Transportation in China, your traveling guide with useful Chinese sentences appeared first on Ninchanese.

It’s pretty easy to get from one place to the next in any country, but in China transportation is a convenience of everyday life. Take a ride with me to know all about them.

There are many types of convenient modes of transport in the urban areas of China. These include Bicycles, Taxies, Metros, and Public buses. From the cheapest to the most expensive, all within your budget and what’s convenient for you. 

Before 1948, China’s transportation system wasn’t as exceedingly profound as it is now. However, because of the booming economy and other factors, China has revolutionized transportation. Let’s talk about all the different forms of transportation.

Bus: convenient, cheap and eco-friendly transportation.

In the large cities, there are many buses, and the system works exceedingly well.  Even if you don’t speak a word of Chinese, you can manage to take the bus, but please make sure to take a map with you! Don’t be afraid to verify a destination with a Chinese traveler, it helps to be sure where to go. 

What’s interesting with the bus? It’s cheap! Local buses only cost around 1-3 RMB (1-3 远); you could say it’s very 便宜 (tai4 pian2 yi). 

Electric buses and Trolleybus systems

The Chinese government has made a collective effort to promote electric vehicles. There are approximately 400,000 electric buses in operation, 99% of them are in China!

There are a few tips on taking this mode of transport I should mention.

  1. Work hours. Buses run from 6 a.m to 11 p.m. However, some may run even earlier.
  2. Rush Hour. From 7 a.m to 9 a.m; 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.

You should also be aware that most of everything at the bus station and on buses, is usually written in Chinese. That may have changed recently, so don’t quote me on that. However, I know that in the cities that see a lot of foreign workers: Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong, they usually have a translation. 

The bus stops at all stops, except when nobody is waiting. That being said, please make sure to warn the driver of the desired stop. 

See some useful Chinese sentences to take the bus in China.

怎么去汽车总站? Zěnme qù qìchē zǒngzhàn? How do I get to the bus station?
去北京的票多少钱? Qù Běi jīng de piào duō shǎo qián? How much is a ticket to Beijing?
地址在哪里? Dìzhǐ zài nǎlǐ? What is the address?
到了。 Dàole. I've reached my destination.
Please pay attention to your belongings, although pickpocketing is slowly decreasing, there is nothing wrong with being aware of your surroundings. 

Metro: Fast and easy to use transportation

Ahhh, at last, the Metro. Perhaps my most favorite type of transportation! This mode of transit is ideal for big cities. In larger cities like Shanghai or Beijing, metro systems are in operation and very well done. They are clean, secure and easy to use. In some other big cities in China, it may still be under construction, or even in the planning stage. It certainly is unchallenged in its ability to transport large amounts of people, at quite a high rotation too! As for the cost, it’s around 2-12 RMB, not so bad, right?

Fun Fact! The Shanghai Metro, opening in 1995, is actually the longest metro system in the world! 

Always good to know the metro in Chinese:

地铁。 Dìtiě. Subway.
地铁站。 Dìtiě zhàn. Subway station.

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Bicycles: the favorite transportation of Chinese

This mode of transport is favored by the Chinese, at least in the small and average cities. Bicycle paths follow main avenues, and in most cities and places of interest, bicycle renting is offered at stores or at the hotel. 

Usually, it’s necessary to leave one’s passport or a photocopy or even a pledge with the dealers. Make sure that you both agree on the price and the duration of the rent, once again, haggling comes in nicely here. 

In recent years, the government provides bicycle services in many cities to encourage low-carbon traveling. You can find these services at specific places on the streets, making it extremely convenient for people to receive one. However, please make sure your cell phone has the function of Alipay or Wechat Payment. This makes it a lot more comfortable to rent a public bicycle without applying for a permanent card for renting.

Some Chinese sentences for renting a bike:

我要租一辆自行车。 Wǒ yào yī liàng zìxíngchē. I want to rent a bike.
我要租一辆汽车。 Wǒ yào zū yī liàng qìchē. I want to rent a car.
我要租一辆摩托车。 Wǒ yào yī liàng mótuō chē. I want to rent a motorcycle.
我可以买保险吗? Wǒ kěyǐ mǎi bǎoxiǎn ma? Can I get insurance?

Taxi: the most convenient transportation in China

Another cheap option of transport, the taxi, proves to be convenient. In the big cities, taxis do have a meter and are everywhere! However, in towns, ask your hotel for the current price of a ride. Sometimes, they will see you’re a tourist and negotiate a price with you. Generally, it’s better to use the meter.

What’s fun is, if you’re going to go on a long trip by taxi, you’ll likely get to negotiate an all-inclusive price; this would be a great way to practice your haggling skills! But be careful, Chinese are really good with negotiation, take your time and be sure to agree on a price.

Speaking of price, in general, taxis cost 7-13 RMB. A 15-minute taxi ride in Beijing costs only 16 RMB. Ten years ago, you’ll have to wave a taxi. You can also do that, but during rush hour, every Chinese use an app called 嘀嘀打车 (di2 di2 da3 che1), an app dedicated to getting you a ride (it’s the Chinese version of Uber or Lyft)! So you won’t find any taxi! But do as Romans do, use 滴滴打车. There is an English version, so there is no need to be intimidated.

Taxis are everywhere at any time, just be sure to hail them over, to call their phone or use the app. Please be aware that the drivers in China speak only Chinese, few speak English. It is necessary to have the destination address written in Chinese characters if you’re not sure how to say it in Chinese. Also! If you’re lost, then it’s a really good idea to call your hotel, or even call your Chinese friend, to make sure the driver knows where to go. 

Some drivers may be a bit crazy in regards to your driving standard, so that being said, please don’t be surprised. 

Learn these Chinese sentences to take the taxi:

出租车。 Chū zū chē. Taxi.
司机。 Sījī. Taxi driver.
请您开到X。 Qǐng nín kāidào X. Take me to X, please.
请打表。 Qǐng dǎbiǎo. Please use the meter machine.


In conclusion, there are multiple ways to get around China, and many are just at a tap of your fingers. My last piece of advice for you travelers is: Don’t forget to have fun! I know that it can be intimidating, especially when you’re in a country that doesn’t speak your language. Just relax and enjoy your stay in a world that is much different from yours. See you in China!

If you go to China, the Chinese phrasebook will be handy, download the app from the Playstore.

Wanna relive the Silk Road? Then make sure to look out for my next article on some outstanding train travel lines! See you. 


Hello, my name is 欧阳梵. I am really happy to see you here! I am a German-American student living here in the U.S. I hope to see you around in the Ninchanese universe! 

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Nincha is visiting the Chinese Part of Pairi Daiza Thu, 03 Nov 2016 15:37:10 +0000 Nincha was super excited to be with Mat visiting the Chinese Parts of Pairi Daiza this weekend! Take a small walk with Nincha and see his pictures to discover Chinese buildings and the little China that lives in Pairi Daiza. Pairi Daiza is a really cool place to go to if you live near Belgium. Why is

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Nincha was super excited to be with Mat visiting the Chinese Parts of Pairi Daiza this weekend! Take a small walk with Nincha and see his pictures to discover Chinese buildings and the little China that lives in Pairi Daiza.

Pairi Daiza is a really cool place to go to if you live near Belgium. Why is this place so cool? There are many reasons this place has been voted “Best theme park” in the Benelux, but our top reason to love this place is that they have a really beautiful area that represents China. It really looks like China, so if you miss the Middle Kingdom or have never been to China, Pairi Daiza is the place to go. Every little aspect of the China area is from China, they even brought back some rocks from China! Like they say: “Everything is authentic: the temples, pavilions, the paths of gemstones, the scholarly garden, stones, jade, the bronze…” Sound cool, isn’t?

That’s not all, they also put animals from China in that area: pandas (they even had a little baby panda birth last year), red pandas, birds, alligators and more in what they call the largest “Chinese garden” outside of China.

Really, if you’re itching to go (back) to China, go there. You’ll see nice Chinese roofs, typical Chinese-style windows and walls, a big Chinese style restaurant, a beautiful tea house that entirely comes from Shanghai (I like to imagine one day, a rich Belgium guy went to China and said “I want this in Belgium” and so they took it apart and brought every little part to there).

Really, being there is a little like being in China and that feels good sometimes. Ok, let’s stop speaking and let’s see the pictures!

Nincha visiting Pairi Daiza

Nincha found a statue in honor of Master Turtle at Pairi Daiza

Do you recognize what Nincha is sitting on? That’s an old turtle! What? Master Turtle looks like that?! Yes. The turtle in traditional China can be found in a lot of stories, from the black Turtle warrior to the turtle that holds the worlds. The turtle always represents forces and knowledge. They are often protector of entrances. If you’ve never been to China, I guarantee that when you do, you’ll see turtles (and Chinese lions / dragons) everywhere.

Nincha and a beautiful Shanghai tea house in Pairi Daiza

That’s the Tea Palace that was imported from Shanghai. It’s a very nice place to be and I always stop there to take an ice cream. I know, I should be having a cup of tea or something but the ice cream there is really good. I don’t feel guilty :p.

Nincha in the Chinese walkway at Pairi Daiza

In China, in almost every park, you’ll find something like this walkway. They’re of varying length and are often (more or less) hand-decorated and adorned by paintings. It feels good to walk in a walkway, like that, in the shade. There are convenient places where you can sit and admire the view of the park. In China, it’s not rare to run into groups playing music, or dancing, or playing games under those walkways, when the sun gets to be too much. Also, these walkways can be a good way to exercise. Some of these in China are kilometers-long but worth the walk!

That’s all for the little tour of  the Chinese part of Pairi Daizai. Nincha had fun, and we hope you enjoyed the pictures!

Pictures by Mat and text by Jean-Rémi, two meowsome members of:

The Nincha Team

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Nincha travels: 坐火车 – taking the train Tue, 20 Sep 2016 15:03:08 +0000 Nincha, the lucky cat, loves traveling! Today, he’s taking the train and telling us in Mandarin Chinese why he likes traveling by train so much! Let’s see what he has to say about trains and let’s learn how to say taking the train in Mandarin. Let’s break down the words: 我 – Wǒ – I, me,

The post Nincha travels: 坐火车 – taking the train appeared first on Ninchanese.

Nincha, the lucky cat, loves traveling! Today, he’s taking the train and telling us in Mandarin Chinese why he likes traveling by train so much! Let’s see what he has to say about trains and let’s learn how to say taking the train in Mandarin.

Nincha's enjoying taking the train and says "我喜欢做火车旅行'


Wǒ xǐhuan zuò huǒchē lǚxíng

I love taking the train to travel

Let’s break down the words:

  • –  – I, me, my. Here: I
  • 喜欢 – xǐhuan –  to like, to be fond of.
  •   – zuò – to sit; to take
  • 火车 –  huǒchē –  train
  • 旅行 – lǚxíng – to travel, journey, trip. Here: to travel.
    • Here’s a tip to find 旅行 with your IME (input method editor, what allows you to type in Chinese): instead of the ü, type a v! That’s the norm in Chinese as most keyboards don’t have an easy way to type such things (with the exception of languages like French or German, that have diacritical marks like ¨ or accents).

Did you know?  To say “to take the train”, the Chinese say 坐火车, which literally means “to sit (in) the train”. That actually makes a lot of sense. When you take a train, you’re sitting on the train, not driving it, so why not be specific and say that instead of just “take”? Make sure you remember. In a similar fashion, you can say  坐公共汽车 to take the bus or  坐飞机, to take a plane.

Stay tuned for more of Nincha’s adventures and travels!

Related: Nincha discovers mooncakes!

The Nincha Team

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The post Nincha travels: 坐火车 – taking the train appeared first on Ninchanese.
