Using Ninchanese

Get to know the basics and a few helpful tips along the way!
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Editing your profile

On Ninchanese, you have a profile so other Chinese learners can get to know you a bit and add you as a friend on the app. Here’s how to access your profile, add information about yourself, add a profile picture and change your username on Ninchanese.

Accessing your profile page

  1. Click your profile picture in the top right of the menu bar
  2. Select profile in the dropdown menu

Filing out your profile information

Once on your profile page:

  1. Click the Edit my profile button
  2. Add information about yourself so other Chinese learners can get to know you. Why do you love Chinese? How long have you been learning? What makes you you? Write as little or as much as you want.
  3. Click Save changes when you’re done!

Uploading a profile picture

You can also upload or change your profile picture on your profile page:

  1. Click Choose file
  2. Pick a photo to upload from your computer
  3. Click Save changes to finish up.

Changing your username

The profile page is also where you can change your username:

  1. Click Edit my profile
  2. Enter the new username you want to use
  3. Click Save changes
NinchaneseEditing your profile