Using Ninchanese

Get to know the basics and a few helpful tips along the way!
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you don’t find the answer to your question.

Resetting your password

If you’ve forgotten the password you use to sign in to your Ninchanese account, you can easily reset it at any time.

  1. Start by visiting
  2. Below the login form, click I forgot my password
  3. On the next page, enter your email address. Make sure it’s the one you used to sign up for Ninchanese!
  4. Now, click Reset my password.
  5. Check your email inbox for a new message from Ninchanese
  6. Click the Reset my password link in the password reset email you’ve just received
  7. Enter a new password and select Change your password


“Unknown email address” Message

This message usually means there’s a mistake in your email address. Two things to check:

  • Is your email address correctly written? There could be a typo in the email address you just entered.
  • Are you using the correct email address? Double-check that you’re entering the email address you normally use to sign in with Ninchanese.

Not receiving your password reset email

If you followed the steps above and have yet to receive a password reset email from Ninchanese, be sure to first check all tabs, folders and spam filters in your email inbox. It sometimes likes to hide in there. Still not there? Shoot us a note.

NinchaneseResetting your password