Using Ninchanese

Get to know the basics and a few helpful tips along the way!
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you don’t find the answer to your question.


Can I upgrade my Ninchanese plan?

Yes! If you’ve subscribed to a monthly plan to get access to Ninchanese Premium and wish to turn this recurring plan into a 6 month or yearly plan, you can easily do so in a few clicks.

How to upgrade your Ninchanese subscription

  • Head to the Subscribe page
  • Select the plan you want to upgrade to, perhaps you want to switch to a 6 months subscription or a 1 year one.
  • The system will then cleverly calculate how much in total you need to pay to upgrade, taking into account what you’ve paid already of course.
  • Pay and confirm your upgrade.
  • Tada! You’re now a cool cat on a 6 month or yearly plan on Ninchanese. Oh yeah.

Can I use a coupon when I upgrade my plan?
Yes to that too. Once you’ve selected the plan you wish to upgrade to, you’ll be given the option to enter a coupon code at the payment details stage. Easy-peasy.

NinchaneseUpgrading your Ninchanese plan