The Chinese Learning Motivation Playbook

If your dream is to learn to speak Mandarin Chinese, welcome!

Deciding to learn Chinese can be daunting and we, at Ninchanese, know that. We’ve been helping thousands of Chinese learner to succeed in their journey, so we know what you need to do to be fluent in Chinese. This guide was written to give you the best advice on how to learn Chinese. To get you started because we know that once you’ve done that, you’ll be on a roll and ready to do anything.

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The Chinese Learning Motivation Playbook: your guide to getting sucessfully started in Chinese


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In this guide, you’ll find methods and tips on how to reach your dreams of fluency in Chinese. Take a look at the mindset you want to be in to make learning Chinese a smooth and enjoyable adventure, and be inspired by some of the greatest Chinese masters to push forward, to face your fears, overcome your obstacles and become who you want to be.

Some advice will work great for you; some may not suit you as much. See what works, take what you need in this treasure chest of tips, and build yourself the toolset YOU need to reach your Chinese speaking goals.

Getting Started

Start your language learning journey on the right tracks.

Create an Efficient Learning Routine

Inhale, exhale. You got this!

Put yourself in the mindset for success

Be inspired to reach for your dreams

Learning a new language is a journey you’re taking yourself on.

Deciding you want to speak Mandarin Chinese is a great decision. It’s opened a whole new path for you to explore. This new journey you’ve embarked on can and will be just as fun as the result. Through this ebook, we want to help you see that and live that.

Ready to embark on your new adventure and to have fun on your learning journey?

Download the Motivation Playbook and begin your own journey walking towards your goal of speaking Chinese.

All good things take time, so learn to give yourself time. Discover more tips and practical applications in the Motivation Playbook


Part I:  Getting  Started

Say Yes and Start Walking
Give Yourself Time
Small Goals Will Lead You to Big Things
Make Yourself at Home
Turn Learning Chinese Into a Habit

Part II:  Create an Efficient Learning Routine

Don’t Break the Chain
How to Make Time for Chinese Learning
Pick the Best Time: Try A Morning Routine
Pick the Best Time: When It’s Right for You
How to Avoid the Endless To-Do List Syndrome
How to Minimize Your Goals
Give Yourself a Time-Out

Part III:  Put yourself  in the mindset for success

Overcome Your Fears
Meditation Helps with Motivation
The Importance of Building (Your) Focus
Focused Work: Your Week’s Challenge!
Progress Is Within Your Reach
Failure Is the Mother of Success
Think Positive
Become More Confident in Chinese
Patience Is a Virtue
Borrow Jet Li’s Recipe for Success
The More, The Merrier!

Change your lifestyle today, download the Motivation Playbook and begin your journey speaking Chinese.



Learning Chinese is the invitation to a whole new world you’ll get to discover and experience.

There’s no secret hack that will teach you all to learn Chinese super-fast in just 30 days or 30 hours. Finding the keys to this new world only depends on you. The true secret is that you have it all in you. Your dream is within your reach.Finding the keys to this new world only depends on you and the learning you put in. We know that’s easier said than done. So we put together this ebook to help you.

What you have in your (virtual) hands are the keys to learning well, maximizing your study sessions so you learn in the most efficient way possible. Use it to shape and design your approach, define your learning style, build up your perseverance and grow your motivation.

Because that’s how you’ll learn the language you want to learn and reach your dreams. Have fun reading and learning! A wonderful new world awaits you.

– The Nincha Team –

Ninchanese is happy to bring you the Motivation playbook, everything you need to get you started on the right langauage learning tracks

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NinchaneseLearning Chinese Motivation Playbook