
All posts tagged emoticons


Emojis: Your Awesome bonus guide!

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻! Did you know the “flipping table” meme started out in Asia (in 1968, people!)? 0_o. And that the first emojis showed up in Japan in the 1980s? Or that stickers appeared on WeChat before they showed up on Facebook? And don’t get me started on the zillion emoticons and memes you can choose from on Weibo! ^_^  One thing’s certain, they sure know their emoticons and emojis in Asia. Especially the Chinese. They even have characters that looked so much like an emoticon, it became one – we’re talking about the character/emoticon 囧 here.

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NinchaneseEmojis: Your Awesome bonus guide!