The Chinese character 几

And its character component form

  1. small table
  2. nearly
  3. almost
  4. practically

The character  was created to imitate the shape of a side table or of a piece of furniture that is short and small. Can you see it?

几 is both a character and a character component

Everything you need to know about the Chinese character component 几 ji in an easily downloadable and sharable image

can be used as a phonetic component in a Chinese character. You’ll find the Chinese character component 几 in characters and words pronounced “jī”.

These characters all contain 几 and sound like “jī”:


flesh; muscle


grumble (sound)

Other pronunciations of words containing the phonetic character component 几

The phonetic character component 几 can also be found in words that have a close sound to “ji”.

The Chinese language is over 5000 years old, so, unsurprisingly, some characters’ pronunciations have evolved a little over time.
Chinese characters containing 几 as a component will therefore sometimes have a pronunciation close to the sound 几 but not quite the same or even totally different.


You can find the character component 几 being pronounced in words pronounced like:

 fēng: wind

chuán: boat; ship

liàng: bright; to shine

You’ll also find the phonetic component 几 in many other Chinese characters. Browse the full list here.

All 80,000+ Chinese characters share the same character components. Chinese character components are therefore essential for Chinese learners: they are the building blocks of Chinese. Character character components help tremendously with understanding a character: they provide information on its meaning or on its pronunciation. In short, knowing character components will help you analyse, learn and remember each Chinese character much better.

Join us on Ninchanese as we teach you everything about the Chinese character components you need to know, little by little.

Related: Explore the key character components to know one by one, with this selection of meaning components and phonetic components.

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NinchaneseChinese Character Component 几 ji (phonetic)