Using Ninchanese

Get to know the basics and a few helpful tips along the way!
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you don’t find the answer to your question.

Adjusting notifications

Ninchanese can send you email and in-app notifications about your learning progress, or items that need your attention such as challenge invitations and unlocked badges.

Understanding Ninchanese notifications

You can expect two types of notifications from Ninchanese:

  • Email notifications
  • Desktop notifications when you’re learning Chinese on the app, or playing against someone

Adjusting your notifications

Here’s how to enable and disable each type of notification:

Email notifications

Email notifications include both a daily email, which gives you a global recap of your learning progress and your friends’, and Ninchanese-related newsletters and emails. To adjust your settings for the emails we send you:

  1. Click your profile picture in the top right of the menu bar.
  2. Select and click Settings.
  3. In the Preferences section of Settings, you’ll see two options:
    1. Tick the box under the type of emails you want to receive to start receiving them.
    2. Un-tick the box under the type of emails you no longer want to receive to stop receiving them.
  4. Click Change preferences.

Your email notification preferences have now been saved.

If you choose to receive email notifications and updates, Ninchanese will send notifications to the email address associated with your Ninchanese account.

To update your email address, here’s how to change your email address.

Desktop notifications

You can enable desktop notifications when connected to Ninchanese on your computer. These pop-up notifications will appear in the lower right corner of your browser so you don’t miss activity that’s important to you, such as when it’s your turn to play a Ninchallenge. Here’s how:

Accepting desktop notifications

  1. When you start learning Chinese on Ninchanese on your computer browser, you’ll be prompted to choose whether you’d like to enable desktop notifications.
  2. Click yes to enable them for the first time.

Your Ninchanese desktop notifications are now enabled. Desktop notifications will only appear if Ninchanese is open in one of your browser’s tabs or windows.

Disabling desktop notifications

  1. Click on the lock in the top-left part of your browser, in the URL bar.
  2. In the Site Permissions section, on the notifications line, click Always allowed by you.
  3. Select Always blocked for you to disable desktop notifications.

Your desktop notifications are now disabled.

To re-enable desktop notifications, repeat steps above and select Always allowed by you again.

NinchaneseAdjusting your notifications