Get your ticket to working with companies in China! Business is pretty much the only reason we’re allowed to travel to China anymore, so the Nincha Team is happy to introduce a new world entirely dedicated to Business in Chinese. Read on to learn more about this new course and for behind-the-scenes meowsome details!
This new complete Business course on Ninchanese focuses on the whole lifecycle of a project and covers all the aspects of doing business in China, entirely in Mandarin Chinese. Purrfect to increase your Chinese language proficiency, with a Business focus!
From essential business practices in China, such as work introductions and business card exchanges, to more complex situations such as signing orders and launching a product, there are lots to explore and learn as Lupishu in this new Business course.
Why is it essential to learn Business practices in China in Mandarin?
The business aspect is one of the more interesting things about China:
It’s a growing economic power, and many companies work with China today. Some say that China is already the first world economic power today.
Speaking Chinese is required more and more to work in an international environment.
If you’re going to stay long in China, it’s essential to speak Chinese to work in China; and you’ll also quickly need to learn the Chinese business etiquette specificities.
Doing business is pretty much the only reason we’re allowed to travel to China at the moment, so we’re happy to introduce a new world entirely dedicated to doing Business in Chinese! Get Started with the Business Course
What you’ll gain from this Business course
Give yourself an advantage over competitors,
China offers vast opportunities for professionals over the world.
Grow with China’s ambition,
Learn of the typical business practices specific to China from this course,
Understand the present and future of China’s economic trends,
Understand better Chinese’s mindsets about products and services,
Seize the opportunities that are favorable to develop your business and investments.
It’s a dream for many of us, to be able to work in China, the world’s first economic power. It’s a no-brainer that China’s economic growth is exceptional. Many of you spoke with us about their work experience in China. Many work in IT, in the health sector, the import/export, fields that have become more and more competitive. Chinese are professional and also have high expectations. They want the best. There’s a beautiful place to carve out for yourself in China with the right knowledge. Knowledge such as being able to not only speak Chinese but to speak it professionally. They are expecting you to know how to act in a Chinese environment.
Why we’re legitimate to make it
To bring you the right knowledge to work in China and do business in China is exactly what we wanted to make with this course. We’ve discussed our shared experience and knowledge and got to really go in-depth into these fields. Sarah and me (Jean-Rémi) are Master graduates in international business and management specializing in Asia and particularly China. Xue who worked with us on this course is an international buyer for a hundred products in China. Her experience gave us a multitude of views on doing business with China. When you know China so well, and the Chinese language, it’s a real pleasure to be able to deliver this kind of course. And we hope it will change your life.
How this course was designed
We designed this course with an open mind and thought about multiple scenarios. If we’re honest, we worked for a whole year making the course. We thought about what the course should contain long and hard and asked you what would be most appealing to you all.
For whom should this course be?
There are two main aspects of people working with China. Usually, they either do Business with Chinese companies or they work with Chinese speakers. Or both.
As such, we settled on designing this world to be a mixture of both. Many interactions are focused on dealing with partners or other businesses in Chinese. Finally, we explore the natural steps of a business relationship in a project’s process.
With this course, you’ll develop and deepen your skills to be ready for the opportunities arising from the Chinese market.
How deep should this world dive into the intricacies of navigating the Business World?
Then came the question of the level of professionalism we wanted to have. While tempting to make Lupishu a fresh graduate out of school, discovering what it’s like to work, this world was designed for all types of workers and business people, from entry-level employees to seasoned business people.
Should this Business course focus on particular fields or general use content?
The next question was how precise should the project Lupishu would be doing. Again, we had two big choices: focusing on specific fields or more general use content?
Customize your Business learning with the Nincha decks
Want to add more industry-specific vocab? With Ninchanese’s newest feature, the Nincha Decks, you can now also make custom decks for your professional field. In addition to the Business course, it’ll be up to you to select the specific business vocabulary lingo you need. Then, create a Nincha deck to learn it. You have everything to be the most appreciated businessman in China.
What is this Chinese Business course in a nutshell?
The Business Chinese course is designed for professional people who need to understand what is discussed in meetings, negotiate in Chinese, or conduct business in Chinese.
In this course, you’ll learn the business culture and the details of industry-related aspects of Business Mandarin that prevail in the China market.
This comprehensive course focuses on soft skills and Industry professional skills.
The soft skills you’ll gain
The soft skill aspect emphasizes business etiquette and business cultural elements, such as formal and respectful greetings, small talk, and expressing one’s thoughts in Mandarin, leading to a favorable outcome after each meeting.
The industry profession aspect
The industry profession aspect covers the overview of the project management system, industry-related terminologies in marketing, sales, hr, logistics, and the challenge to express yourself on these topics in Chinese.
Let’s get into it more to understand what you’ll gain from this course:
Soft skills – business etiquette and business cultural elements
Develop the skill to effectively communicate and engage your counterparts with understanding and knowledge on business etiquette and mindset.
Communicate professionally in Mandarin and understand your Chinese-speaking counterparts or clients.
Sharpen your skills in oral and written communications,
Formal and informal communication,
Presentation to address communication barriers
Negotiation to get favorable responses from clients,
Communication with Chinese customers,
Effectively meet or communicate with your China business counterparts over business-related matters.
Deliver presentations in business meetings, negotiations, events, and other opportunities with Chinese business counterparts.
Business etiquette, you will be able to talk and behave appropriately in presentation and negotiation.
Also, learn how to convince and gain trust from Chinese clients through communication skills and marketing strategies.
Effectively interact with your Chinese counterparts to successfully develop your business.
Introduction of products and services.
Effectively engage the audience: impress your audience at any business or formal occasion.
Industry profession aspect
Develop a good set of business terms in Mandarin.
Know how to read business news and articles in Chinese