The Ninchallenge Tournament, which started on the 13th of July, ended last night, on the 26th of July! Over 25,000 words were played and close to 3,000 Ninchallenges were fought over these two weeks. What a success for this first edition of the Ninchallenge Tournament! Our 100+ Ninchallengers did good!
We’re very proud to announce the winner of the very first Ninchallenge Tournament. And the winner is….
Our 2015 Ninchampion!
#1st: Matty!
Matty is the Ninchampion with 13687 total points. Incredible!
Congratulations Matty, you’re the very first Ninchallenge Tournament winner for 2015!
The prize:
A Special Lucky Pack, which includes a one year subscription, a super cute Nincha plush toy and more Nincha goodies! Wohoo!
Up to the end, the Ninchallenges raged on and it was a close call. Our two outstanding runner-ups are:
#2 Molinsen
Molinsen is second and gets the silver with 13537 points (so close!). Awesome!
The prize:
Molinsen, you win a super cool Nincha Learner Pack, which includes full beta access and a one year subscription to Ninchanese!
#3 Aileen
Aileen, who gets the bronze with 9473 points, came in third. Congrats!
The prize: Early access to the full beta (worlds 1- 6) and a six month subscription to Ninchanese!
The weekly winner!
We also have our second weekly winner! This second week’s weekly prize goes to Meir! Congrats, Meir, you win early access to the full beta!
A surprise gift for everyone!
Last but not least, we have something for all of you. You were all awesome and we wanted to say congratulations to all the Ninchallengers who took part in the Ninchallenge Tournament.

Just print, (cut) and play this baby!
Each and every one of you will be getting a pdf copy of the Ninchallenge Card Game — just print, cut and play! Perfect to take on the beach and keep Ninchallenging your friends and family.
Ninchallengers, expect to hear from us soon, with details on how to claim your prizes.
If you took part in the Ninchallenge Tournament but didn’t leave an email address, we want to hear from you! Contact us to claim your prize!
Missed the Ninchallenge Tournament? There’s always next year! In the meantime, come join the Ninchallenges on Ninchanese. Sign up here to get access! You have a year to to get ready and to become a prepared and honed Ninchallenge!
The Nincha Team
Ninchanese combines addictive game mechanics, cute cats and efficient Chinese learning techniques to make learning Chinese a lot of fun! Now live on Kickstarter and extremely close to being funded! The app is now in beta so sign up now for early access to the beta! Check out our trailer and stay in touch with us on Facebook, Twitter, Google + and Pinterest.
Join the conversationPooter - July 27, 2015
Please give my prize to the next runner up and put their name in this post.
Ninchanese - July 30, 2015
Hi Pooter, thanks for commenting! If that’s what you want, then we’ll do that 🙂 Still, good job!
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