A handy help section to answer any questions you might have on how to use Ninchanese and how to learn Chinese better.
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you don’t find the answer to your question .

Using Ninchanese
Get to know the basics of Ninchanese, how the feature works and learn a few tips along the way!
Browse all articlesPopular help topics
When you are in the game, there’s multiple questions that will pop up to you. Why the app is designed like that? How to learn better Chinese with app? Most of the answer to these questions will be found these articles we’ve made for you.
Browse all articlesWe love to help
When you learn a language, you may have questions that pop up in your mind. We are here to answer them.
Whether it is a question on what you’re learning or related to your account, something on your mind that you want to tell us or you just want to learn a new Chinese recipe to impress your friends, we are here to help.
Message us through the feedback section right within Ninchanese. Just hit the feedback button to contact us. A member of the Nincha Team is never very far away!
You can also contact us here at
Getting Started Learning Chinese
Maybe you don’t have a question yet, but just wanted to know how to start. We want you to have the best Chinese learning experience possible so we put together a page with a guide and resources to help you get started.
Getting started learning Chinese