

Components vs Radicals: Which are best for your Chinese learning?

As Chinese learners, we are always looking for tools and hacks to increase our Chinese learning efficiency. We want to learn as fast and as efficiently as possible. So today, we’re putting two techniques to the test: Chinese character components vs. radicals. How do they stack up? Which should you choose to learn?

While Chinese radicals have interesting use, Chinese components bring more benefits to your learning. Let’s explore so we can prove that to you!

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NinchaneseComponents vs Radicals: Which are best for your Chinese learning?

Chinese components & Chinese radicals World: Up, close and personal with Chinese characters

Introducing a whole new world on Ninchanese: The Rad Way to Learn Chinese Characters! It’s chock-full of rad Chinese components to discover. What’s so rad about those? Easy: they’re your key to understanding Chinese characters a LOT better. Let’s dive in.

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NinchaneseChinese components & Chinese radicals World: Up, close and personal with Chinese characters

Writing Chinese characters: The purpose

I think at one point everyone who starts learning Chinese asks themselves the same questions about writing Chinese:

  • Do I need to learn to write Chinese characters?
  • When is the best time to begin with them?
  • Where do you start?
  • How do you write Chinese characters? Are there any rules?

With this article, I want to share a bit of my experience in writing characters and maybe a helpful additional way of learning Chinese. To be clear, I’m not talking about the art of Chinese Calligraphy but just casual hand-writing. Handwritten Chinese with a pen a piece of paper.

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NinchaneseWriting Chinese characters: The purpose

How to review words on Ninchanese when the number is too high

When you want to learn Chinese, you need to go for it and work on it every day. Everyone will tell you that. It’s true for every language you are learning. Regularity is the key. As is reviewing words you’ve just learned, so they go from your short-term to your long-term memory. We know, however, that it’s not always easy to stay focused and to review daily. It’s even more complicated when you’re a beginner to intermediate learner since you can’t enjoy Chinese content from TV (for example) passively yet. So, you may skip one or two days. That’s alright! But what happens when you skip learning for weeks? Or even a month? Your words to review start to pile up. Is there any way to start learning Chinese again? To handle your word reviews? The short answer is YES.

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NinchaneseHow to review words on Ninchanese when the number is too high

World HSK 5: An Epic world for Epic Chinese learning

The HSK 5 world is now complete! The Nincha Team has been working tremendously to create and offer you a complete and interactive course to learn Chinese at an advanced level.

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NinchaneseWorld HSK 5: An Epic world for Epic Chinese learning

New world: The Chinese Character Universe – Science-based Chinese character learning

You Today, we’re incredibly excited to announce a new science-based world on Ninchanese: the Universe of Chinese Characters the most advanced way to learn Chinese Characters yet. This all-new word on Ninchanese has been designed with one goal in mind: to drive your Chinese character acquisition like no other. In a world that goes back to the Big Bang of Chinese, you’ll easily learn characters in a newly optimized way. Feeling excited? Let’s see what this new world is all about. To infinity, and beyond! 

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NinchaneseNew world: The Chinese Character Universe – Science-based Chinese character learning

Learn Chinese Everywhere with Ninchanese’s Android App!

We’re excited to announce that Ninchanese is available on the Play Store! That’s a whole new range of places where you can learn Chinese unlocked for you now, thanks to Ninchanese’s new Android App!

button play store ninchanese

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NinchaneseLearn Chinese Everywhere with Ninchanese’s Android App!