learn Chinese

All posts tagged learn Chinese


The secret Chinese technique to pass your exams

Currently studying for your exams? How’s it going? Did you plan ahead your studies or are you resorting to cramming methods to ensure you know everything you need to know to pass your exams? Well, here’s a secret Chinese technique you simply need to know. It’ll help you stay focused, study… and ace your exams! Find out what this technique is after the jump!

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NinchaneseThe secret Chinese technique to pass your exams

Chinese learning resolutions: how to keep them!

Ah, New Years. Resolutions are made. You feel refreshed and ready to change the world.  Sadly, these good feelings never last. Well, here’s an idea to actually manage to stick to your Chinese learning resolutions: make smaller ones. Manageable ones. And no, we’re not talking about making “go grocery shopping” a resolution. You’ll see..

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NinchaneseChinese learning resolutions: how to keep them!

Top blog posts from 2013!

With 2013 all wrapped up, and 2014 fresh and full of new opportunities, here’s a round up of our top blog posts of 2013 from Ninchanese! Cute cats, fashion, learning tips, infographics, strange buildings… there’s something for everyone!

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NinchaneseTop blog posts from 2013!

Google isn’t your friend when learning Chinese

When was the last time you were on a Chinese website? Not recently I bet. Why is that, you think? Here’s my guess:  You seldom come across Chinese sites in your online everyday browsing experience!  Why aren’t you coming across them? It’s not because they’re not popular. Quite the opposite. They’re extremely popular. In China. And, they are all in Chinese. So Google (or whatever search engine you use) pretty much ignores them. Don’t worry, though, here’s a simple hack to bring more Chinese into your online world!

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NinchaneseGoogle isn’t your friend when learning Chinese

Infographic: Should you learn Chinese?

Wondering if you should learn Chinese? This picture takes a look at whether Americans are at a linguistic disadvantage considering China’s rapid rise; and its quick increase in the number of English speakers. So, take a look at this infographic and take a leaf out of China’s book!

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NinchaneseInfographic: Should you learn Chinese?

Who Said Adults Couldn’t Learn a New Language?

People may say that adults will have a tough time learning languages, especially one dubbed as complex as Chinese, but this is nonsense according to Deborah Fallows! The linguist  has decided to prove them wrong in this TEDx Talk, and decided to include a few Chinglish signs for your entertainment as well 🙂

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NinchaneseWho Said Adults Couldn’t Learn a New Language?

Video game in Chinese: the ultimate guide

If you follow this blog, you may have seen that we are working at an awesome place: the Plaine Images. What makes this place so awesome? Mainly its video game atmosphere! We love being here because at Ninchanese, we’ll be using game mechanics to help you (and even us) learn Chinese. The Plaine Images is even currently hosting an extraordinary exhibit about video games, which covers the history of video gaming, from its beginning in the 70s to what video games are like today. It also has a big ass game boy (that’s me trying to play it)!

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NinchaneseVideo game in Chinese: the ultimate guide