Ninchanese Blog

Tips and tricks to help you learn Chinese


9 meowsome reasons to still learn Chinese even though China is CLOSED

When learning a language, sometimes it’s good to check in with oneself and reassess one’s goals. Why are you learning Chinese? What’s your motivation? Whether it’s for personal growth, interest, or obtaining a specific objective, there is a myriad of good reasons to learn Mandarin Chinese.
And, just in case the pandemic and the closed borders have been dampening your spirit a little, here are 9 meowsome reasons to learn or keep learning Chinese.

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Ninchanese9 meowsome reasons to still learn Chinese even though China is CLOSED

“The Lion-Eating Poet”: the meowsome one-sound poem you can only read

Did you know there’s a famous poem in Chinese composed of one sound and one sound only? What is this one-sound poem? How do you read a poem with only one sound? Welcome to the tale of the “Lion-Eating poet in the Stone Den”.

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Ninchanese“The Lion-Eating Poet”: the meowsome one-sound poem you can only read

LTL Mandarin’s Live Flexi Classes: A review

Recently, LTL Mandarin School launched Flexi Classes. Its alluring promise is of offering live Mandarin classes 24/7 – no matter your time zone or where you are. Now, this was something we had to check out. Are these classes really live? How does it work? Here’s our review of LTL Mandarin School’s Flexi Classes.

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NinchaneseLTL Mandarin’s Live Flexi Classes: A review

Upgrade with a full peace of mind: 3D Secure on Ninchanese

Because we care about keeping your payments safe, a new layer was added to our checkout process: 3D secure. It might not be the most fascinating topic in the world, but it’s essential for your online payment safety and ours. So, read on to learn more about 3DS (if you want) and why this means you can upgrade to a Premium Membership of Ninchanese with your mind entirely at ease.

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NinchaneseUpgrade with a full peace of mind: 3D Secure on Ninchanese

Best Douyin Activities to Celebrate the Year of the Tiger

Want to prepare and celebrate the Year of the Tiger 2022 and wondering what to do? We (with a little help from 抖音) got you.  Here are some of the best activities on 抖音 (Douyin, the original Chinese version of Tiktok) activities to do to celebrate the Year of the Tiger and the Chinese New Year!

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NinchaneseBest Douyin Activities to Celebrate the Year of the Tiger

Chinese Wordle: Play and Learn Chinese (chengyus)!

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard of Wordle, the word game taking the world by storm. Chinese learners, rejoice! We found a Chinese-language version of Wordle. So dear little dragons, read on to learn where to find Chinese Wordle and how to play it.

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NinchaneseChinese Wordle: Play and Learn Chinese (chengyus)!

Xiaonian: Kick-off Chinese New Year with sweets

Yay! It’s 小年 Xiaonian! Roughly translating as the Little New Year event, 小年 is THE event that kick-offs the Chinese New Year. That’s right, the Spring Festival celebrations officially start today, on the 23rd day of the 12th month of the lunar calendar, which happens to be today. The Chinese New Year preparations begin with 小年 xiǎo nián, one of the sweetest events of the season! Sweet why? What’s 小年 all about? Keep reading, and you’ll know.

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NinchaneseXiaonian: Kick-off Chinese New Year with sweets